Stockholm calling – Sini Kainulainen finds meaningful change in her existing role
Sini Kainulainen, project and service manager at our Espoo office, longed for a change of scenery but was unwilling to give up the job she valued. She found the answer at our Stockholm office, where she started at the beginning of the year.
Sini kickstarted her journey with Sofigate in November 2019. Starting as a developer and moving to service and project manager, she primarily works with ServiceNow a digital workflow and automation platform in client projects.
“When I started to work with the platform, I knew nothing about it! But you learn on the job,” notes Sini. “I have a master’s degree in commerce and before Sofigate I worked in various roles in Finland’s tax administration. A university friend who was working at Sofigate recommended that I apply for an opening.”
New city, new colleagues
The idea for a change of scenery started ticking in Sini’s mind almost a year ago.
“I’m from Helsinki and studied in a small town, Mikkeli. During my bachelor’s degree years, I travelled constantly between the two places. At that point, the thought of moving to a larger city felt like the right option and Stockholm as the best possible city. In Copenhagen the language would have been more difficult to learn, even though we have an office there,” Sini reflects on the reasons for her decision. “I visited the Stockholm office in May and had a good feeling. The place felt right. In autumn, I made up my mind to move and by the end of the year I was invited to the Stockholm office Christmas party to meet my new colleagues.”
Sini still feels confident about the relocation, which started at the beginning of the year, despite prolonged official matters.
“The Stockholm office is smaller than in Espoo, where we are less than a hundred professionals. The business streams are the same as in Finland and my job description has not changed – at least for now, and I’ll continue with the same clients. Fortunately, I have felt welcome,” Sini affirms.
Return-to-office as a sign of good work culture
Sofigators like Sini, who move between country offices, are not the majority. However, Sini believes that these transitions are encouraged if an employee is interested.
“A few colleagues from the Espoo office have worked abroad for shorter periods but returned to Finland. So yes, there is some movement between international offices. We also have visitors from the marketing and training department, for example, coming from Finland to Stockholm. These joint meetings are very welcome,” she shares.
Sini has not observed drastic differences in the work culture between Espoo and Stockholm.
“I’m sure I will see bigger differences when I work with Swedish clients,” she reflects. “So far lunch is taken an hour later than in Finland!”
The number of colleagues returning to our Stockholm office has caught Sini’s attention.
“We have several colleagues who have tried their hand elsewhere and found that it’s better here,” Sini reflects, “It only speaks well of Sofigate as a workplace.”
Appreciation and Support
While longing for a change of scenery, Sini was resistant to switching jobs.
“At Sofigate, I feel valued and that is very important to me. A good workplace atmosphere is an essential factor for my wellbeing. That it’s nice to go to the office shows the importance of colleagues, but I also appreciate the flexibility at Sofigate, where I can work at home through a full day of meetings,” Sini sums up. “I’m also happy that we’re allowed to try different things and not forced into a certain role – or even country office! Help is always available, and everyone lends a hand if needed. It’s built in our culture.”
The working language at Sofigate is in English, but client projects are also conducted in the national language of country offices, depending on client’s needs.
“I’m waiting for that moment when I realize that I understand everything in Swedish. I’m open-minded for what comes next,” Sini muses.