Market study:
How to ensure a leap in productivity for your organisation
There’s a productivity leap lurking in organisations. You can unveil it by making sure technology projects are led with a bold renewal as the goal.
In autumn 2024, we conducted a market study on how organisations are gaining competitive advantage and if they are aiming for a productivity leap.
For our market study we interviewed 32 leaders and decision makers who are in charge of change in Finnish organisations.
The study found that organisations are investing heavily in technology, but productivity has not improved despite these investments.
Where is the productivity leap hiding and how can we uncover it? Download our research report and get the answer!
Download the report of our recent market study below:
Why settle for small improvements,
when you have the opportunity for a 10x productivity leap?
From AI hype to reality: how AI agents are changing the world of work
Until now, AI has been a sort of Swiss army knife for professionals.
However, you can achieve measurable business benefits most effectively when using AI as a specialised agent for a specific task, argue Juha Kujala and Juho Nevalainen.
Read how AI agents deliver real competitive advantage:

This is how you become the CEO of productivity leap
Companies invest in technology, but often do not get a return on their investment in the form of a real productivity leap.
Whose responsibility is it to unlock the productivity leap? The best person to fix the problem is the modern CFO, say Lassi Kurkijärvi and Sanna Suomela.
A leader should have four roles in transformation.
Read the article to find out what they are:

Why it’s important to act now with AI
Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic in recent years. However, reading about the subject can feel overwhelming, even frustrating.
It’s easy to feel like everyone is encouraging you to “just adopt AI”, without clearly explaining how it will affect your business in practice – let alone how to manage the risks and costs associated with adoption.
Markus Heinonen explains how and why to approach AI through concrete examples:
How can we help?
Want to continue discussing productivity leap, AI agents or business technology?
Contact us – we’d be happy to discuss further!