Three reasons why forerunners are choosing SIAM
Service Integration and Management is drastically changing the way IT services are managed. SIAM has rapidly become the hot topic also for CIOs in the Nordics. What explains the drivers and why forerunners choose SIAM?
As we talk to the CIOs or IT management teams that have implemented – or are currently implementing – SIAM, three basic arguments are repeated:
1) SIAM frees resources for development work
Due to digitalization and globalization, companies have never had as much possibilities to develop business with IT as they do today. And tomorrow, there will be even more. Harnessing IT to create business value requires investments. However, costs and additional resources cannot be endlessly increased. Resources need to be freed from existing operations.
Service integration optimizes and synchronizes service delivery in a way that enables everything to work like a machine: savings are achieved in continuous service operations and the IT organisation’s own resources are freed up for service development.
2) SIAM ensures the right level of service experience
Good service leads to productivity and efficiency. If there are no problems and extra issues to solve, there is more time for productive work. Nowadays as Digital Enterprise concepts mature and Digital Transformation advances, IT is more visible than before also to a company’s external customers. Internally, the service experience needs to be good, and externally it needs to be excellent – sometimes even world-class level to ensure continuing competitiveness.
Service integration helps you to make sure that the service experience meets requirements of success.
3) SIAM puts you in the driver’s seat of your ecosystem
In the digitalized world, services are made of elements that are produced together by different service providers. Typically, service delivery consists of cooperation between external service providers and internal teams. To make the ecosystem work and to efficiently recognize improvement needs within the ecosystem, someone needs to take the leading role.
SIAM lets you be the driver in your ecosystem.
Order your copy of SIAM best practices book
Service Integration and Management is about people, leadership, collaboration, methods and tools. For SIAM to be a powerful asset, all the essential parties in SIAM need to share a common understanding of the basic concepts and principles. The best way to do this is to create common ways of working and to involve all stakeholders in the discussion.
For this reason, we created a collaborative project and produced the best practices of SIAM as a book. Companies, practitioners and educational institutes from Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the UK contributed to the contents. If SIAM is a relevant topic for you, you can order your own copy of the book from Amazon.
About the author
Pavel Haimi is Sofigate’s Management and Integration of Services Business Lead.